Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Final Thought

Tonight, for English 670, Kris Sutliff took the class on a field trip to the Academic Development Center over at the library in room 204. Somehow the information that this place even existed escaped most of the students that she has in her class, and half of them are TAs. For those of you who want to learn more about developing lesson plans or achieving objectives for your class, this place is a treasure trove. Dr. Roger Sells, who heads the center, is the nicest guy you would ever want to meet. He presented us with packets of information and, as a bonus, he had a refrigerator full of soda and water as well as a full pot of coffee. All TAs are welcome to pick his brain and use the resources of the Center, and I suggest that it is highly worth your time to take a visit.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

TA's Bulletin Board and Academic Dishonesty

I have had a suspected case of academic dishonesty this semester and it really bugs me. Tonight I received an e-mail from Amy (as all of you did) concerning subjects that she thinks were topics of academic dishonesty, ie recycled papers from English 110.

All of this got me thinking that maybe we should post TOPICS ONLY of suspected cases of plagiarism and academic dishonesty on our bulletin board. Since we talk to each other, and at least have a common gathering place, we should be sharing information about papers that are suspect of plagiarism or academic dishonesty. This DOES NOT mean that we should reaveal the suspect's name, but merely post the themes and subjects of papers that have been suspected of being bought, recycled, or plagiarized. We are not experts, but we have all come to recognize papers that seem just a little too polished or slick for the abilities of the writer. Maybe we can make some practical use out of our bulletin board by sending out red flags on subjects that are suspect and some of the content of the suspected paper. When we begin contrasting and comparing then we can either rule out academic dishonesty, or we can quit giving A's to students who don't deserve them.

Sorry Craig, this may take some of your space away from the bulletin board.